Tuesday, January 19, 2021





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Name:……………………………………………………………………………….. M/F

Class:………………………………… Section …………………….

House……………………………… Club…………………………………………

Date of Birth………………………………………………………. Blood Group………………………………………….

CID/ Student code…………………………………………………………………… Admission year…………………

Responsibility, if any……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Permanent Address

House No…………………………………..Thram No………………………………… Village…………………………

Gewog…………………………………… Drungkhag……………………………….. Dzongkhag……………………………

Parents name…………………………………………………………………………………

Occupation……………………………………………………. Contact Number……………………………………

Present Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Guardian’s Name………………………………………………Occupation…………………………………………………

Contact No……………………………………………………… Relationship………………………………………………


Signature of Father/Guardian


Name and signature of Class teacher



                                                                             Seal and sign of School Principal

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Mid-term examination for Gangrithang Ps

The school will be officially starts the Examinatin for class I - VI. No exam for class PP.
Class I- III will have to appear three Papers till 28th June and will be on vacation.

Classes IV - VI will have to sit for Five Papers and finishes their exam on 30th June.

The School will remain closed from 1st July till 30th July.

The staff and the Student must report on 31st July, 2017 at 8:30 Am

For Details Call during office Hours

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Tribute to 60th Birth Anniversary of Forth Druk Gyelpo.

The Visionary King
Resembling the mounting Sun all exceeding,
Immeasurable the rays beyond,
Empowered with a vision as a leader,
You nurtured dreams for your people,

With the light of voice in your throat,
Advises the youths towards the brighter path,
Touching every distinct spirit to concur,
That you try to behold with cheer power,
The gorgeousness in your every smile,
Encourages the nation to move as one,
To accomplished the radiance of happiness,
Under the secure crown of your dynamic reign,
Sown the seed of Gross National Happiness,
Germinated in to new saplings as four pillars,
Bearing the fruits with strong significance,
Happiness is all we have felt within,
You kissed the Earth with your feet, to serve the nation and to make the happiness flourish!

By: Wangchuk Dorji (teacher)
Gangrithang Primary School: Bumthang.