Monday, April 25, 2016

Diary of 20th April 2016
Place : Thimphu
Topic : Open Letter to Parents
Dear Parents,
With ever changing mental setting of our society,and influence of wind of change. The Lopens (Teachers) are considered no better than just "teaching machine". Gone are the days, when "lopens"were highly regarded profession, and seeing them would make any passer-by bow down with deep respect. When I say this I am not trying to be "old-fashioned" or "demanding". I know things need to change, but question here is, "did we change for better ?".
Today, little pat on the back is coined as punishment, and teacher gets hit back, parents drag teachers to court, write on social media and many keeps adding fuel without knowing actual facts,demoralising even the little status that we have in our society. Just a reminder, my dear beloved parents :
1. We are humans and we have kids, we love your children as much as ours. We know they have future, we want them to remember us as one of the best teacher they had in their life.
2. When students misbehaves in class or hits teacher at school, it reflects how parents are at home.
3. Teachers are NOT always perfect, we make mistakes. After all we are not enlightened one.
4. We too have family like you all, they too need our love and attention, so we too need break in our life.
5. We also go through domestic, personal and professional problems like you all.
6. When you rest after office hours, we start planning for next day.We are never off duty.
7. During any small or mega events. You come, enjoy and go. We work tirelessly for almost a month to make celebrations success, make sure everything goes perfectly on the day, shouting, ship on fire...that of Pirates of Caribbean..
8. Had it been in other organisations, our white passport would be stamped occasionally, and had posh car to drive and had assets, but we love being little because that is what we intend to inject in your children. Being happy with little.
9. When you walk in town with dust mask on, we live our life breathing chalk dust daily. We are not robots, we too function with lungs, which needs clean air.
10. When you cannot control just 2 to 3 kids in family, you expect us to be best with 100 of kids.
Please don't remark who forced us to join teaching, "if we did not", "you did not" , then "who will " ??? who will enlighten our young minds ??? !!!
Whatever said and done. As one of our friend remarked....
....It is OK, you keep defaming us, but we are not going to give up on your kids. We have promised ourselves to Tsa-Wa-Sum, and will not leave any stone unturned to make your child a better citizen to take care of our beloved country in future.......SELFLESS is what are........the Lopens !!!
We will be old by then, and someday we would not be surprised to see your child/ren smiling back at us, with no words to describe those days .......
21 years now with teaching. The best moments I come across is seeing my past students in different offices, and often standing up when I approach their offices for services....often I have to hide my tears of joy....and deep inside my heart echos...the sense of pride being TEACHER......
...and my dear parents, if you can read what I wrote....It is because of your TEACHER.......right???....
With respect
Sincerely yours
Karma Wangchuk
Teacher/Education Officer

Monday, April 18, 2016


  1. All the teachers shall be informed and described on the professional responsibilities to ensure that every teacher is doing what is expected.
  2. Monitors shall organize/coordinate/provide support services for every individual teacher to ensure professional growth in them.
  3. Teachers shall be monitored frequently to grow himself or herself professionally.
  4. Monitors shall make the teachers aware of their strengths and weaknesses and accordingly provide suggestions and recommendations.
  5. Monitors shall meet often to discuss the strength and weaknesses found from their observations and recommend for SBIP.
  6. SBIP shall be conducted as per the observations and recommendation made by the monitors.
  7. SLMSS shall instill positive values and attitudes towards professional growth.
  1.  Support the individual teacher to grow professionally & academically through :-    
  • Implementing and analyzing his/her professional responsibilities more carefully.
  • Improve teaching skills to help children learn concepts, skills, values and attitude,  increasing subject knowledge, keeping up to date with changes in the curriculum and making aware of national education polices.
   2. Facilitate greater accountability, transparency, efficiency and sustainability in the school system by providing accessibility to all the teachers in the quality provision of wholesome education to our children.
Roles and Responsibilities of Monitors
  1. Be a role model in his/her profession, accountable to the teachers that are monitored.
  2. Provide feedback, recommendations; suggestions to the teacher after identify the strengths and weaknesses with honesty and sincerity.
  3. Conduct SBIP to enrich the teacher’s professional competencies and also to solve the common problems if there is any.
  4. Inculcate the ideas that teachers need to learn to be effective teacher and can contribute to each other’s learning.
  5. Keep proper records of the monitored teachers.
  6. Influence and encourage the teachers to update themselves.